Feeling like your marketing budget is going to waste and dissatisfied with the results of your campaign?
Uncover the underlying cause and explore a customized solution that meets your specific needs!
Tired spending marketing budget without seeing pleasent results? Learn how to create effective and efficient marketing strategies?
In today's digital age, paid advertising and brand marketing are essential and crucial components of any successful business. However, without a solid marketing strategy in place, businesses may find themselves wasting precious marketing dollars.
That's why Connext & SEOCon Jakarta 2023 is bringing together industry experts such as Ryan Kristo Muljono, CEO of ToffeeDev and Toffee Events and initiator of SEOCon since 2019, and Tommy Prayoga, CEO of Content Collision, to share their insights and experiences on the world of digital marketing.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain new insights into performance-oriented marketing and learn how to project expected output, budget your marketing strategy, avoid costly mistakes, and:
- Find and share your brand story
- Secure future customers and maintain the current ones with branding and reputation
- Target new customer with content marketing
- Targeted approach: Performance-oriented marketing is all about targeting the right audience with the right message.
- Metrics-driven: Performance-oriented marketing relies heavily on data and metrics to measure the success of campaigns.
- ROI-focused: Performance-oriented marketing is all about maximizing return on investment (ROI).
- Continuous optimization: With the help of data and metrics, marketers can continuously optimize their campaigns for better results.
- Accountability: Performance-oriented marketing holds marketers accountable for results.
So what are you waiting for? Look no further, REGISTER NOW, and UNLOCK the secrets to a successful marketing strategy!
1. Find and share your brand story
2. Secure future customers and maintain the current ones with branding and reputation
3. Target new customer with content marketing
1. Targeted approach: Performance-oriented marketing is all about targeting the right audience with the right message.
2. Metrics-driven: Performance-oriented marketing relies heavily on data and metrics to measure the success of campaigns.
3. ROI-focused: Performance-oriented marketing is all about maximizing return on investment (ROI).
4. Continuous optimization: With the help of data and metrics, marketers can continuously optimize their campaigns for better results.
5. Accountability: Performance-oriented marketing holds marketers accountable for results.